
Summary of Bylaw Proposed Changes

*Change date to 02/14/2019 (Page 1)

*Change Membership Categories (Page 2)

*Retired/Emeritus may serve in an appointed position but not in an elected position.

*Elimination of the Past President position. (many references throughout)

*State Rep no longer does a booth at National Convention. (page 4)

*Clarified process for hiring of Executive Director. (page 5)

*Workshops and Conferences will all be the responsibility of the Executive Board and the Executive Director (page 10)

*Clarification of Officer Travel (Page 10 and 11)

Summary of the Constitution Proposed Changes.

*Update Membership Categories. (page 1 and 2)

*Elimination of the Past President Position (Page 3)

*Clarified who is eligible to be elected or appointed to an officer position. (Page 3)

*First Directors meeting will be held by October 1 (page 5)

*Candidates will be provided with Email address of members (Page 6)

*Ballots will be electronic (page 6)

*Membership Dues will be sent to UAESP. (page 7)



Approved by Membership, June 17, 2015February 14, 2019



The name of this organization shall be the UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS.



Section 1.           The purpose of the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals is to enhance educational opportunities for the elementary and middle school students of the State of Utah.

Section 2.           More specifically, the purpose shall be:

  • 1.       To provide opportunities for the professional growth for principals, educators, students and parents.
  • 2.       To provide opportunities for the education and business communities to partnership together.
  • 3.       To be an advocate for children in all areas of education.
  • 4.       To provide communication to the educational community on issues that affect education.
  • 5.       To stimulate public interest in support of education.
  • 6.       To cooperate with other local, state, and national organizations for the promotion of education.

Section 3.           It shall be a purpose of the Association to maintain communication with members through the publication of a periodical, THE LEADER through newsletters, and through such other communications as may be advisable.



Section  1.          There shall be six classes of membership.   ACTIVE, ASSOCIATE, INSTITUTIONAL/ACTIVE, EMERITUS/RETIRED and ASPIRING.

Section  2.          ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP shall be available to those persons who support the purpose of the Association, pay dues, and are employed in professional work related to elementary school children.  Active membership is available to:

  • 1.       All elementary principals (public, private and parochial).
  • 2.       Assistant (and vice-) principals of elementary schools.
  • 3.       Middle school principals and assistant principals.
  • 4.       Former elementary school principals.
  • 5.       State and local administrators.

Section  3.          ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be available to other persons involved with elementary or middle school education.  Associate membership is available to:

  • 1.       Staff Members of education departments in institutions of higher learning.
  • 2.       Non-administrators interested in elementary or middle school education.

Section  4.          EMERITUS/RETIRED MEMBERSHIP shall be available to former active members named in Section 2 who have retired.

Section  5.          RETIRED MEMBERSHIP shall be available to active members of the Association who have retired, or to those who currently hold emeritus membership.

Section 6.           INSTITUTIONAL/ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP is available to all educational institutions and libraries.

Section 7.           ASPIRING MEMBERSHIP is available to aspiring principals who are not eligible for active membership.

Section 8.           Rights and benefits for all of the above membership classes shall be defined in the Bylaws of UAESP.



The officers of this Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, a Past President, a Secretary,

a Membership Secretary, the Editor of THE LEADER, the Utah Representative to the National Association of

Elementary School Principals, and an Executive Director.

Section 1.           PRESIDENT.  The President-Elect shall assume the office of President following the year of service as President-Elect.

                             The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Board and the Board of Regional Directors, shall appoint the chairpersons and members of all standing committees, and shall be the executive officer of the Association.  The President shall represent the Association before the Public either in person or through delegates, and shall perform all other functions usually reserved for this office.

Section 2.           VICE PRESIDENT. A Vice-President will be elected each year, shall serve as Vice-President for one year, and then shall succeed to the office of President-Elect for a term of one year.

Section 3.           PRESIDENT-ELECT.  The Vice-President shall become President-Elect for one year following the term as Vice-President.

Section 4.           PAST PRESIDENT.  The President shall become the Past-President for one year following the term as President.

Section 5.           SECRETARY.   A Secretary shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.  The Secretary shall keep records of the proceedings of the Association.         The Secretary shall be assisted by a Membership Secretary.

Section 6.           MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY.  A Membership Secretary shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 7.           EDITOR OF THE LEADER.  The Editor of THE LEADER shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.  The Editor shall be responsible for the publication and distribution of THE LEADER and for the dissemination of other communications as directed by the Executive Board.

Section 8.           STATE REPRESENTATIVE TO NAESP.  The State Representative to the National Association shall be elected for a term of three years and shall be the liaison between the National Association and the State Association.

Section 9.           EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.  The Executive Director shall be selected by the Executive Board. with the approval of the Board of Regional Directors.  The duties of the Executive Director shall be prescribed by the Executive Board in an approved role description.

Section 10.         ELIGIBILITY.    Any active member serving as a Principal or Assistant Principal who has been a member of the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals in good standing for the two previous years shall be eligible to hold an  be elected to a position in the Association. or Any member may serve in an appointed position as an officer in the Association.

Section 11.         UTAH STATE OFFICE OF EDUCATION LIAISONS.  The State Superintendent of Public Instruction will appoint one or more liaison persons who shall be invited to serve in an advisory and coordinating capacity with the officers of this Association and with the Board of Regional Directors.



Section 1.           The Officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Board.

Section 2.           The Executive Board shall include the Vice-President, the President-Elect, the President, The Past-President, the Secretary, the Membership Secretary, the Editor of THE LEADER, the State Representative to NAESP, and the Executive Director.

Section 3.           The Executive Board shall be responsible for carrying out the program of the Association.



Section 1.           The State shall be divided into geographic regions; each region shall designate a Regional Director who shall represent that region in matters of Association business and shall sit on the Board of Regional Directors.

Section 2.           Regions.  A school district shall be considered a region when ten or more principals from that district organize and select local officers.  The Local President (or comparable officer) shall be designated as the Regional Director and shall sit on the Board of Regional Directors.

Section 3.           Districts having fewer than ten elementary principals who wish to be recognized as a Region per se may petition the Board of Directors for such designation.

Section 4.           Where local associations have been grouped to form a region, the region members shall elect their regional director.

Section 5.           Regional Directors and Assistant Directors must be members of UAESP.



Section 1.           The Officers of the Association and the Regional Directors shall constitute the Board of Regional Directors.

Section 2.           The Board of Regional Directors shall be the policy-making body of the Association.  This Board will also function as a Delegate Assembly.

Section 3.           The President shall call a meeting of the Board of Regional Directors prior to /September 1st/October 1st of the year the President takes office.  Other meetings of the Board of Regional Directors may be called by the President when deemed necessary or when requested in writing by at least five members of the Board stating in detail the business to be considered.



Section 1.           Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 2.           Standing Committees shall be as follows:

  • 1.       Legislative Committee
  • 2.       Membership Committee
  • 3.       Publicity and Public Relations Committee
  • 4.       Legal Committee
  • 5.       Awards and Recognition Committee
  • 6.       Nominations Committee
  • 7.       Secretaries’ Conference Committee
  • 8.       Student Council Conference Committee

Section 3.           Other committees may be appointed by the Executive Board as needed.



Section 1.           A Nomination Committee of not less than five (5) members shall be appointed by the Executive                                     Board before October 15th of each year.

Section 2.           It shall be the responsibility of the Nominations Committee to place in nomination the names of at                      least two (2) members for each office.

                             The Office of Vice-President shall be voted on each year.

                             The Office of State Representative to the National Association shall be voted on every three years as                   required by the National Association of Elementary School Principals before placing their names in nomination.

Section 5.           Additional nominations may be made by submitting in writing, the name and address of             the                                     candidate, together with a signed statement from the candidate indicating acceptance of the                                            nomination

Section 6.           Names, addresses, and statements of acceptance from candidates shall be submitted to              the                                     President no later than February 1st of a given year.

Section 7.           The announcement of nominees will be made to the general membership at the Association’s Mid-                  Winter Conference in February and in the JanuaryWinter issue of the Newsletter.   THE               LEADER.

Section 8.           Campaigning will not commence prior to the announcement of the candidates at the Mid-Winter Conference.  Candidates will be provided with one set of mailing labels email addresses from UAESP.  hey should conduct their campaigns with minimum expense and in the interest of fair play.



Section 1.           The election of officers in this Association shall be by (electronic or) mail ballot.

Section 2.           The President and Secretary shall direct the e-mailing of ballots to all active members of the                                      Association by March 15th of a given year.  All candidates selected in accordance with Article IX shall                              be listed on the official ballot.

Section 3.           Only those ballots returned to the Secretary by April 15th shall be counted.

Section 4.           In the event of a tie vote, the Officers shall be contacted by phone by the President, who will cast the                           tie-breaking vote.  The candidate receiving the largest number of votes will be declared the winner.

Section 5.           Regional Directors shall be elected annually at a time, place, and manner decided by the membership                            of the Region.  In instances where the Region boundaries are congruent    with the boundaries of the                       local school districts, the local President or designee shall serve as a Regional Director during his/her                         term of office providing he/she is a member in good standing.

Section 6.           Regional Directors shall notify the President of the State Association of their election, in writing, not                       later than May 1st.

                             Any Region failing to elect a qualified Regional Director and /or failing to notify the President of the                      State Association of the name and address of the properly-elected Director, shall be declared to be                     without representation.

Section 7.           It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board to appoint an Interim Regional Director for any                      Region declared to be without representation.  An Interim Regional Director shall serve at the                               pleasure of the Executive Board of until such time as the local Region shall certify to the Association                  President that a Regional Director has been elected.

Section 8.           Incoming officers will be installed on or before July 1st, the beginning of the fiscal year.        An                                      appointed time and place shall be designated by the Executive Board.



Section 1.           The Association shall hold two or more general meetings yearly.  The time and place of these                                     meetings will be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2.           The Association’s Conference Planning Committees shall plan one or more Elementary School                                            Principals’ workshops yearly.

Section 3.           Other meetings may be held at the discretion of the Executive Board or at the call of the Board of                        Regional Directors.



Section 1.           Membership Dues shall be determined by a majority vote of Association members in attendance at a                             general meeting.

                             Members shall be given 30 days  notice  before a proposed change in dues  structures is to be voted                            upon.

Section 2.           Each Regional Director shall be responsible for the collection of dues and the forwarding of monies                   and names of members to the UAESP State Membership Secretary.

Section 3.           Principals who do not belong to a local organization may pay dues directly to UAESP. the State                                                        Membership Secretary.



Section 1            In all meetings of the Association, Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern except when otherwise                               agreed upon.



Section 1.           This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.  The vote will be taken                   by mail or electronic ballots,  and the membership will receive written notification of the proposed                   changes before the ballots are cast.

Section 2.           Proposed changes to the Constitution shall first be submitted to the President.  Copies will be                                            distributed to members of the Board of Regional Directors at least ten days prior to a meeting of the                 Board.  After consideration by the Board, the proposed changes may be brought before a general                       meeting by a majority vote of the Board of Regional Directors.



Section 1.           Exclusive organized purpose.  This Association is organized exclusively for charitable, religious,                                      educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to                                            organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue                Code of 1986.

Section 2.           Prohibition of private inurement.   No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the                       benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that               the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services                         rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the           purposes set forth in                                  ARTICLE II hereof.  No  substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be the carrying on of                   propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Association shall not                                           participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political                campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.  Notwithstanding any other provision of these                              articles, the Association shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an                                          Association exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of                         1986 or by an Association to which  contributions  are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the 1986                 Internal Revenue Code.

Section 3.           Priorities upon termination.   Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Executive Board shall, after                       paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Association, dispose of all                         the liabilities of the Association, dispose of all of the assets of the Association exclusively for the                                        purposes of the Association in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and                      operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time                  qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue                              Code of 1986, as the Executive Board shall determine.

The aforementioned Constitution of the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals have been amended and stated in its entirety and have been ratified as stipulated in ARTICLE XIV.

Under perjury of penalty I hereby certify that the aforementioned Constitution of the Utah Association of Elementary School  Principals are the true and correct restated Constitution.

              ___________________________                                                       ________________________

              UAESP President                                                                                     Date of Certification

              ___________________________                                                       __________________________

              UAESP Secretary                                                                                     Date of Certification



Approved by Membership, June 17, 2015  February 14, 2019



  • 1.      The purpose of the Bylaws are as follows:
  • a.      To support the meaning, purposes, and intent of the Constitution of UAESP.
  • b.      To clarify and further delineate the roles and responsibilities described in the Constitution.
  • c.       To serve as an adjunct to the Constitution.
  • 2.      Nothing in the Bylaws shall be constructed to prevent the Association from pursuing objectives that are consistent with the stated purposes outlined in the Constitution.



  • 1.      Membership in UAESP and affiliation with related organizations.
    The Utah Association of Elementary School Principals takes the following position with respect to other organizations fostering public education.
  • a.      Elementary principals are encouraged to join their local, state, and national elementary principals’ organizations and then any other supportive organization(s) of their choosing.  We encourage a unified membership but do not believe in legislating a forced unified membership.
  • b.      UAESP stands as an independent, self-supporting organization.
  • c.       UAESP seeks to work cooperatively with related organizations with whom it shares common objectives.
  • d.      When UAESP shares objectives in common with related organizations, the desire is to work cooperatively with them.  However, UAESP reserves the right to oppose any issue that is not in the best interest of good educational policy and practice.
  • 2.      Discrimination.
    The Association shall not deny membership on the basis of race, creed, national origin, religion, or gender.
  • 3.      Property Interest of Members.
    All rights, titles, and interest, both legal and equitable, of a member in and to the property of the Association shall end with the termination of membership.
  • 4.      Membership Year.
    Membership shall be effective for a period of 12 months beginning November 1st of each year.
  • 5.      Membership Dues.
    Dues shall be determined by a majority vote of the Association membership at a general meeting after considering recommendations from the Officers and the Board of Regional Directors, based on the following formula:
  • a.      ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP……………………………………………………………………………Full Dues
  • b.      ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP………………………………………………………….Two-Thirds Dues
  • c.       INSTITUTIONAL /ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP…………………….One and One-Quarter Dues
  • d.      EMERITUS /Retired MEMBERSHIP…………………………………………………One-Half Dues
  • e.      RETIRED MEMBERSHIP……………………………………………….…………..One-Quarter Dues
  • f.        ASPIRING PRINCIPAL MEMBERSHIP…………………………………………One-Quarter Dues
  • 6.      Membership Qualifications.
    Membership shall be as outlined in Article III of the Constitution.
  • 7.      Membership Rights and Benefits.
  • a.      Active Members are entitled to all rights and benefits of the Association.
  • b.      Associate Members are entitled to all rights and benefits except the right to vote, hold office, or participate in the Legal Assistance for Principals (LAP) program.
  • c.       Institutional/Active Membership includes one Active Membership.
  • d.      Retired/Emeritus members are entitled to receive THE LEADER and the UAESP Newsletter and shall be entitled to register at the Winter and Summer Conferences and all other conferences at a rate to be determined by the executive committee of the Association.  Members in the retired membership category are not eligible to vote or may be appointed to one of the appointed positions but not run for an elected position hold office in the Association.
  • e.      Emeritus Members are entitled to all rights and benefits of the Association.
  • f.        Aspiring Principal Members are entitled to the same benefits as those listed above for Retired/Emeritus Members.
  • 1.      Officers of the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals will be as described in Article IV of the Constitution.
  • 2.      Filling of vacancies.
    Vacancies occurring by reason of death, resignation, or other disqualification shall be filled as follows:
  • a.      A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect.
  • b.      A vacancy in the office of President-Elect shall be filled by the Vice-President.
  • c.       A vacancy in the office of Vice-President shall be filled by the Past-President who shall serve in such capacity until the vacancy has been filled.
  • d.      Wwithin ten days after a vacancy in the office of Vice-President occurs, the President or acting President shall initiate the election process as prescribed in the Constitution but disregarding the calendar dates mentioned in the Constitution.  The new election should be completed within two months of the time of vacancy.
  • e.      A vacancy in the office of Past-President, State Representative, Secretary, or Editor of THE LEADER shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval of the Executive Board.
  • 3.      Duties of Officers.
    In addition to the powers and responsibilities delegated to the Officers under Article IV of the Constitution, the following duties are outlined:
  • a.      President
  •                                                               i.      Serves as an ex-officio voting member and presiding officer of the Board of Regional Directors.
  •                                                              ii.      Represents and speaks for the Association on matters of policy or assigns responsibility for such functions.
  •                                                            iii.      Reviews Association policies and recommend priorities to be considered by the Board of Regional Directors.
  •                                                            iv.      Meets regularly with the Officers of the Association and delegates their duties.
  •                                                              v.      Proposes the agenda for meetings of the governing bodies of the Association.
  •                                                            vi.      Except as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws, appoints all chairpersons and members of the Association Committees.
  •                                                          vii.      Serves as ex-officio non-voting member of all Association committees.
  •                                                        viii.      Has such other powers and duties as are customarily possessed and performed by the chief executive officer of an association.
  • b.      President-Elect.
  •                                                               i.      Serves as an ex-officio voting member of the Board of Regional Directors and of assigned committees.
  •                                                              ii.      Serves as chairperson of committees when appointed by the President.
  •                                                            iii.      Acts for the President when the President is unable to perform the duties of the office.
  •                                                            iv.      Performs other duties as directed by the President.
  • c.       Vice-President.
  •                                                               i.      Serves as an ex-officio voting member of the Board of Regional Directors and of assigned committees.
  •                                                              ii.      Serves as chairperson of committees when appointed by the President.
  •                                                            iii.      Performs other duties as directed by the President or the Board of Regional Directors.
  • d.      Past-President.
  •                                                               i.      Serves as an ex-officio voting member of the Board of Regional Directors and of assigned committees.
  •                                                              ii.      Serves as chairperson of committees when appointed by the President.
  •                                                            iii.      Performs other duties as directed by the President or the Board of Regional Directors.
  • e.      Secretary.
  •                                                               i.      Prepares any reports as required by the President and Board of Regional Directors.
  •                                                              ii.      Prepares complete and accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and the Board of Regional Directors.
  • f.        Membership Secretary
  •                                                               i.      Accounts for all dues collected (delegated to office staff) and provides this information to the Secretary at each Officers meeting.
  •                                                              ii.      Reports District and Regional membership information at each Officers and Directors meeting.
  • g.       Editor of THE LEADER.
  •                                                               i.      Shall be assisted by assistant editors as may be needed.  The Assistant Editor(s) will be recommended by the Editor, cleared with the Executive Board, and appointed by the President.
  •                                                              ii.      Holds office as long as the Executive Board agrees is necessary to maintain quality and continuity of the publication.
  • h.      State Representative to NAESP.
  •                                                               i.      Serves as the liaison between the state and national associations.
  •                                                              ii.      Chairs the UAESP Membership Committee.
  •                                                            iii.      Is Responsible for the state booth at the national convention when directed by the Executive Board.
  •                                                            iv.      Serves as the state representative and advisor for the American Student Council Association (ASCA).
  •                                                              v.      Performs other duties as outlined by NAESP bylaws and policy.
  •                                                            vi.      Performs other duties as directed by the UAESP Executive Board.
  • i.        The Executive Director.
  •                                                               i.      Is selected by the Executive Board with the approval of the Board of Regional Directors and hired for a term of one year renewed annually by the Executive BoardThis person may be re-employed at the termination of the contract period.
  •                                                              ii.      Serves as voting member and secretary of the Executive Board and Board of Regional Directors.
  •                                                            iii.      Prepares, with the advice of the Executive Board and the Board of Regional Directors, programs for the Association.
  •                                                            iv.      Prepares at the Summer Retreat, with the advice of the Executive Board, an annual budget for submission to the Executive Board and the Board of Regional Directors and presents it to the general membership at the Summer Conference.
  •                                                              v.      Is responsible for distribution of minutes of meetings of the Directors.
  •                                                            vi.      Performs such other duties as prescribed by the President and Board of Regional Directors.
  •                                                          vii.      Has such other powers and duties as are customarily possessed and performed by the chief staff person of an association.
  •                                                        viii.      Shall have custody of all funds of the Association and shall pay all bills and disbursements under the direction of the President.  Financial transactions may be delegated with the approval of the Executive Board.
  •                                                            ix.      Shall see that adequate, efficient, and accurate accounting methods are used.
  •                                                              x.      Shall, with the assistance of the Past-President and President and President Elect, review the financial transactions and report to the Board of Directors.
  •                                                            xi.      Shall present a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting held nearest the end of the fiscal year.
  • 4.      Indemnification
    All Officers, Directors, and employees of UAESP will be indemnified from any and all liability when acting within the scope of their assignments, in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of UAESP and the laws of the State of Utah.



  • 1        The Board of Regional Directors shall include the individuals specified in the Constitution, Article VI.  Duties and responsibilities are outlined in the same Article.  In addition, the following direction is given.
  • a.      There shall be one Regional Director from each region.
  • b.      Regions may be added as stipulated in ARTICLE VII of the Constitution.
  • c.       Election of Regional Director.
    In local association with ten or more members, and as authorized by Article VI, Section 2, the local president or designee shall serve as a Regional Director in the State Association.  Where local associations have been grouped to form a region, the region members shall elect their Regional Directors.  The procedure used to select the Regional Director shall also be used to select Assistant Directors.
  • d.      Filling Vacancies on the Board of Regional Directors.
    Within sixty days of the occurrence of a vacancy on the Board of Regional Directors, the members of the region involved shall select a member to serve the unexpired term.
  • e.      Powers and Duties.
    The Board of Regional Directors shall be responsible to the membership.  The Board of Regional Directors shall:
  •                                                               i.      Act for the Association and make all policy decisions between meetings of the membership.
  •                                                              ii.      Approve the budget.
  •                                                            iii.      Ratify the recommendations of the Officers regarding the amount of Association dues.
  •                                                            iv.      Review all reports of Association Officers and appropriate reports to the membership.
  •                                                              v.      Recommend to the membership authorization and discontinuance of relationships and affiliations between the Association and other groups.
  •                                                            vi.      Censure, suspend, or expel, by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Regional Directors, any member of the Association for cause after due notice and a hearing.
  •                                                          vii.      Vacate, censure, or reinstate by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Regional Directors, a suspended or expelled member.
  •                                                        viii.      Develop guidelines for the consideration of standing and special committees.
  •                                                            ix.      Continue in office in the event of an emergency and conduct the business of the Association until such time as operations can be carried on in the prescribed manner.
  •                                                              x.      Have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws.
  • f.        Meetings.
    The Board of Regional Directors shall meet at least once near the beginning of the school year and such other times as may be deemed necessary by the Executive Board.  Due notice of all meetings shall be given to all members of the Board of Directors.  To be considered a quorum of the Board of Regional Directors, a minimum of 55% (fifty-five percent) of the Board members must be present at the meeting.


  • 1.                  A Regional Director shall perform the following duties and responsibilities
  • a.      Leadership.
  •                                                               i.      Establishes positive relationships with local superintendents.
  •                                                              ii.      Arranges local regional meetings in cooperation with UAESP.
  •                                                            iii.      Establishes rapport with elementary principals in the region so principals feel free to contact him/her when the need occurs.
  • b.      Communication.
  •                                                               i.      Represents UAESP in dissemination of information and materials regarding activities of the Association.
  •                                                              ii.      Informs UAESP of the needs and interests of principals in the region.
  •                                                            iii.      Strengthens the principalship by writing for THE LEADER.
  •                                                            iv.      Interprets the elementary school to the public and informs individuals and organizations of the concerns of elementary school principals.
  • c.       Membership.
  •                                                               i.      Provides principals with all available information so wise decisions are made regarding membership in professional organizations.
  •                                                             ii.      Works for 100% membership in UAESP and NAESP.
  • d.      Legislation
  •                                                               i.      Assists UAESP to formulate a legislative program that is in the best interests of children and society.
  •                                                              ii.      Establishes good rapport with legislators in the region.
  •                                                            iii.      Gives support to the UAESP legislative program prior to and during the legislative sessions.
  • e.      Fringe Benefits.
  •                                                               i.      Informs local principals of fringe benefits available from UAESP and NAESP. 
  •                                                              ii.      Works for improvement of fringe benefits and informs the Association of the needs for local principals.
  • f.        Attitudinal Posture.
  •                                                               i.      Serves in the local region in a role similar to the role of the President of Utah Association of Elementary School Principals.
  •                                                              ii.      Helps develop a more positive posture for all elementary principals.

  • 1.      Committees shall be established as described in Article VIII of the Constitution.
  • 2.      Committees.
  • a.      Legislative -- The advisor is the Executive Director and the chairperson is to be appointed by the President from the Membership.
  • b.      Membership -- The State Representative to the National Association (NAESP) shall be the advisor and the Membership Secretary shall serve as chairperson.
  • c.       Publicity, Public Relations  -- The Editor of THE LEADER shall serve as advisor to this committee.  The chairperson is to be appointed by the President from the Membership.
  • d.      Legal -- The Association President shall be the advisor.  The Executive Director and others appointed by the President shall serve as committee members.
  • e.      Awards and Recognition -- The advisor and chairperson are to be appointed by the President from the Executive Board and Membership.
  • f.        Nominations -- The advisor and chairperson are to be appointed by the President from the Executive Board and Membership.
  • g.       Secretaries’ Conference and Student Council Conference Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
  • h.      Ad Hoc -- Other committees with their advisors and chairpersons shall be appointed by the President as necessary.
  • i.        Each of the above committees, in consultation with the Officers of the Association, will establish goals and objectives for the coming year.  Regular progress reports will be made by each chairperson to the advisor and the Executive Board with a final report given at the end of the year.
  • 1.      Financial Records and Accounts.
  • The Association financial records and accounts shall be the property of the Association and shall be open to inspection by any member upon written request to the Executive Board.
  • 2.      Yearly Financial Report and Review.
  • On or before August 1st of each year, a review will be performed by the Executive Director, President, and Past Present of the Association and a financial report prepared by the Executive Director will be presented at the first combined meeting of the new Regional Directors and Officers.
  • 3.      Grants and Business Partnerships
    The Association shall actively pursue mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses and seek monies available through grants
  • 4.      Financial Responsibility 
  • The Executive Director will have responsibility for all financial transactions of the Association.  A full disclosure of all revenue and expenditures will be presented for officers’ approval at all officers’ meetings.  A profit and loss statement will be presented at each directors’ meeting.  A monthly copy of all bank accounts will be sent to the UAESP President.               
  • 5.      Payment of bills, deposits of income, and maintenance of financial reports will be handled by the Executive Director (delegated to the office secretary-bookkeeper).  The Executive Director will provide a report of financial transactions to all Officers and Directors at regularly scheduled meetings.



1.           The basic document of the UAESP is the Constitution.  The Bylaws are secondary to the Constitution and are amenable in the same manner as the Constitution.



  • 1.      UAESP will endorse only those programs and products which adhere to the principals and policies of the organization and are approved by the executive committee.



  • 1.      Workshop Responsibilities
  • a .          Summer Board of Directors Meeting -- President Executive Board and Executive Director.
  • b.           October/Fall Meeting -- President Executive Board and Executive Director.
  • c.           Mid-Winter Conference -- Past President Executive Board and Executive Director.
  • d.           National Convention -- President Executive Board and Executive Director.
  • e.           Summer Conference -- President Elect Executive Board and Executive Director.
  • f.            Summer Retreat -- President Executive Board and Executive Director.
  • 2.      Attendance at National Conventions, Workshops, related meetings, and/or conferences.
  • a.      Advocacy and Leadership Conference – President, President-Elect, Executive Director and State Representative shall attend at the expense of the State Association and/or the National Association.
  • b.      National Convention - President and Elected Officers and the Executive Director will attend the National Convention at the expense of the State Association.   The Editor of THE LEADER may attend either the National Convention or the Advocacy and Leadership Conference the first year of his/her assignment and then every third year at the expense of the State Association with the approval of the Executive Board.  The Membership Secretary may elect to attend either the National Convention or the Advocacy and Leadership Conference.
  • c.       National Executive Directors Workshop -- The Executive Director will attend the national Executive Directors Workshop.
  • d.      Zone IX Workshop (Summer) -- President, President Elect, (Elected Officer and the Executive Director and State Representative will attend at the expense of State Association.  (The Executive Director may also attend with the approval of the executive committee.)  delete
  • e.      Related Meetings and/or Conferences -- Attendance at meetings at the expense of the State Association must be approved by the Executive Board.
  • f.        Summer Board of Directors Meeting -- Mileage may be paid for those attending. Per dium will not be paid.
  • g.       Other Officer & Directors Meetings -- Mileage may be paid to Executive Officers and members of the Board of Regional Directors in attendance, unless otherwise compensated.
  • h.      Mid-Winter and Summer Conferences -- President, President-elect, Past-President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Executive Director, Editor of THE LEADER, State Representative, and Vice-President and Secretary-Elect will attend at the expense of the State Association.
  • i.        Summer Retreat -- Expenses, including mileage, may be paid to members of the Executive Board in attendance.
  • j.        Executive Board Meetings (and other required meetings) -- Mileage may be paid for those in attendance, unless otherwise compensated.
  • k.       Expenses for any of the above, provided by any other source, will not be duplicated by the Association.
  • l.        Any changes to Section X, No. 2 must be approved by the executive board.
  • _________________________                          _________________________

                           UAESP President                                                     Date of Certification

                            __________________________                        _________________________

                             UAESP Secretary                                                      Date of Certification


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